Statistical Methods for Personalized Medicine team - Institut Curie - U900 - Paris



Who are we ?

The statistical Methods fo Personalized medicine team is an Inserm unit of Institut Curie. The team is part of U900 Cancer and genome : bioinformatics, biostatistics and epidemiology whose responsible is Emmanuel Barillot ( The manager of the team is Aurélien Latouche. The main part of team's activities involves patients with cancer.


Topics of interest


Main publications




INSERM – Institut Curie : U900 Cancer et génome : bioinformatique, biostatistiques et épidémiologie

Team: Méthodes Statistiques pour la médecine personnalisée

35 rue Dailly 92210 St Cloud (team adress)

26 rue d’Ulm 75005 Paris (structure adress)



03 83 85 93 02
CIC-EC 1433 - Inserm
CHRU de Nancy
9 Allée du Morvan,
54500 Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy

The RECaP F-CRIN network in a national network of Research in Clinical Epidemiology and in Public Health. It is a network of structures which includes 15 research units spread accross France.
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